Mo., 09. Mai
|Kutscherhaus UZH
Doing Philosophy Better: Introduction to the SW*IP CH Good Practice Guide
Time & Location
09. Mai 2022, 13:00 – 15:30 MESZ
Kutscherhaus UZH , Institut für Biomedizinische Ethik, Zollikerstrasse 115, 8008 Zürich, Switzerland
About the Event
Please note, for those who wish to participate online that the event will be a hybrid event and can be joined under this link:
Meeting ID: 683 5799 6182
Passcode: GPGSWIP
In January of 2022, SW*IP CH launched their Good Practice Guide. The Good Practice Guide is intended for use at philosophy institutes in Switzerland and can be found on our website in German and English. At this workshop, we will introduce the Good Practice Guide and the proposals within. Following this, we will open discussion in order to create space to discuss the guide as well as current problems at institutes of philosophy throughout Switzerland. We aim to equip participants with knowledge that can make better and safer environments for marginalized or underrepresented persons in philosophy. This event is open to persons of all genders. Registration is required via the Google Form.